
Economic and social sustainability, respect for equal opportunities, inclusiveness, environment

Working with SAPIR means being part of a company committed to the respect of ethical values in its work, which pays great attention to its local environment.

Download the Sustainability Report

Growth is possible only if it is sustainable

The Group considers environmental protection as the prerequisite in the choice of technologies, programs and corporate strategies, also aiming at preventing all types of pollution and assessing the environmental impacts of each new process or service offered.

At SAPIR, gender equality is reality

The aim of the Group is to promote and implement fair and equal treatment, regardless of sex, age, nationality, religion and ethnic diversity, avoiding any form of discrimination both in the selection and hiring phases, and in the following training, growth, remuneration and career advancement steps.

Sapir is the first company in the Port of Ravenna to obtain the UNI PDR 125:2022 certification on Gender Equality.

Proud to represent our city

Attention to the environment, equal opportunities, sustainability. The values of the SAPIR Group are pursued always taking into consideration the local social and economic system. We are aware of the positive impact that a "healthy" growth has on the territory where a company operates.

On the market, SAPIR is a fundamental player in the business of goods handling and is reputed worldwide for the great know-how that distinguishes our region, where passion and talent come together in daily work.

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